“Building, organizing, walking around your surroundings, marking it and figure it out in terms of beauty, harmony, significance has been and is a specific way of human beings on earth since the most remote prehistoric times. Urban is that dimension of making art which aims to contribute to the definition and realization of the idea of a city intended as a view of life, a projection into the world of a desire for beauty.”
Born as an act of love by the artist Franco Summa towards the community, the Summa Foundation is a non-profit institution with the mission of affirming, through art, collective values and promoting the quality of urban spaces.
The Foundation supports, especially among young people, initiatives aimed at affirming awareness of everyone’s responsibility towards the livability of urban places, highlighting the fundamental role of art in the aesthetic, symbolic, social and psychological qualification of places of collective and personal life.
The Foundation aims to carry out – in Italy and abroad – activities that meet not only the authority and quality requirements, but also that are universally known and appreciated. The pursuit of public visibility and consensus, which the interlocutors of the Foundation will be able to express, derives from the activation of motivational and participatory models that are able to represent and affirm the sarin of a common goal, with the same conviction as the Master that what makes a community alive is its commitment to the care and desire for beauty of shared spaces.

The Summa House Museum, a gift from the artist to the community, has been recognized as being of cultural interest by the Superintendence of Archeology, Landscape and Fine Arts of the Provinces of Chieti and Pescara. In this place, the Foundation organizes study and research seminars specifically addressed to the young generations. The House Museum offers a cosy space for meetings, making available the volumes from its extensive library, catalogs, publications on art, architecture, design, and the invaluable digital archive of the Master’s works.