“The city is the place of signs, shapes, symbols that man has placed around him since its origins as a representation of himself and his values. The symbols are layered in the collective unconscious. The artistic intervantion in the urban environment seeks an encounter with these ancestral dimensions, triggering profound resonances through epiphanies of captivating images”.

The Urban Contemporary Art Award is Projecting

Urban Art, understood as the Art of the City, is essentially the projection of an idea, of a dream in the urban context, so that it is transformed and renewed in its identity values.

The work of Urban Art arises from a path of “consonance”, in which the artist absorbs the dimension and meanings of that space. It dynamically inserts itself into the urban context, transfiguring it and bringing new meanings. The city thus redefined is the environment resulting from the choices of a participatory, aware and responsible citizenship. The new generations of artists have the opportunity to contribute to this process of beauty creation and transmission of collective values.